Thursday, December 6, 2018

Sun in the Second House of Birth Chart

Sun in Second House
When sun is placed in second house, it states that the chart holder would be very compassionate and generous in nature. Moreover, they are likely to succeed in money matters. Their efforts are recognised and gets a lot of respect. of respect and recognition. Such people possess great leadership skills thus often enjoy a nice position in authority. Their leadership skills also helps them to get a good income. Sun in 2nd house also implies the native gets an enviable social position and commands a great respect from others.

Natives having such a placement have a great desire for power as well as a strong sense of self-worth. Their energy is invested towards attaining power in the way of getting possessions, a good bank balance, and talent. They often earn well, they have a tendency to spend at extreme rate. The royal streak in these persons create them lord over people and things that should be avoided to manage a better social life. As per classic  Vedic scriptures, such persons are often little too much straightforward. Moreover, they struggle to acquire and learn new skills. Some speech disorder like stammering is also likely to occur to natives having Sun in 2nd house. 

~Abhay Lodha

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