Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Taurus Sign Qualities

Taurus Sign Qualities
 Taurus Sun sign has its way into the astrological chart as the second zodiac sign, falling approximately between 21st April and May 20 this Taurus symbol is the slow moving powerful  and willful Bull.

By far, Taurus is considered as most stubborn zodiac sign. Taureans require time to digest new ideas or ways of performing tasks, so do not force them to do  anything,  they would not budge. They move with slow  and steady pace with firm determination to achieve   their goal. Unfortunately they could work according to their desire or passion at with  in sensitiveness and could get easily bored. But there is  no doubt they would reach to where they are headed, which is considered  as their fantastic approach.

Having an appreciation for the nice things in life, does make this sign a little materialistic, never denying their love of beauty and luxury.  But this sentimental Bull   praises values of   non materialistic sphere also. Since Taurus is in general about values when your Sun is comes in  Taurus your life would engage you in lessons to know and hold your real sense of value, the real existence of you, not the money-oriented you. Taurus has the requirement to be able to see at themselves with value and respect what they look inside.                                                                                       

~Abhay Lodha

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