Thursday, June 30, 2022

Abhay Lodha says 'Why Sun in Ashwini Nakshtra'?

Sun in Ashwini Nakshtra Pada 1

Sun will here be exalted in mesh Rashi as well as Navmansha hence.  Sun would also be Vargottama along with exaltation. This placement of Sun would make the planet very strong. You would have strong immune system, bones as well as strong physique. You would be full of confidence, enthusiasm and will have very high spirits. You will enjoy health and long life. There would be happiness on account of having good position and male children. But, you may also also suffer from excess heat problems that could be brought down by avoiding food that increases heat problems particularly in 6 years of Sun Dasa. Over exercising of authority could create spoil personal marital life and create troubles. life.

Sun in Ashwini Nakshatra Pada II 

Sun will have position in Mesha Rashi and Vrishabha Navmansha in this case. This is not considered auspicious placement. Such type of sun placement gives health problems in child hood particularly upto 8 years of life. This Maha Dasa comprising of 6 years of the exalted Sun would not be very good from health point of view health but health will still remain satisfactory. There would be clashes in the family and you may remain dissatisfied with in laws in family also. Overall, it would be tough period of 6 years of your personal life. 

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