Friday, January 18, 2019

Jupiter in the first house of birth chart

Jupiter in the first house usually gives the best results. You have a lovely personality. You are a strong and long life person. You are a clear speaker and self-respecting. You are generous in nature. You have good respect for Brahmins and Gods. You will have deep faith even in charity and religion. You are a person who is a working and thoughtful person. You will be very fond of roaming around.

You will be deeply interested in spirituality and mysterious teachings. Your temperament should be stable. You are a generous, honest, truthful and fair person. You will receive honor and wealth through the king. But sometimes you will also suffer through false rumors. Vata and related diseases are possible in your body.

If you are connected to the police, army or excise department then the  Jupiter can be detrimental to you. Advice is given to keep away from pride and even fornication. You will spend your money on different types of occupations. You will get the pleasure of the woman, son etc. Your son will have a long life. You are going to be wearing gold and gems.

In astrology, Jupiter has different effects on the 12 quests in the planet horoscope. The effect of these effects falls on our direct life. This is an auspicious planet, so the people receive its auspicious results. Let us know in detail that the influence of Jupiter planet on various values .

~Abhay Lodha

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