Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Sun in the First House by Abhay Lodha

Sun in First House
When sun comes in the first house in a horoscope, it provides the native with spark and positive energy. Such a native is joyous & cheerful and has a brilliant charisma. With a great health and a strict physical constitution, such a native sees a trouble-free childhood. it is indicated that natives with sun in Ist house have lesser hair.  They are careless and of hot temperament but also a little lazy in the parallel side which is quite like a lion. Sun also represents status and social image. Sun in the 1st house helps the person to get respect from others and have a high position and esteem in the society.

Sun in first house natives are known as born fighters, always ready to take a challenge in life. If your chart has Sun in Ascendant, you invest most of your energy on yourself because you are your own favorite.  Such persons have an ability to shine out and remain at the center of all the action. There lies a thin line between dictatorship and leadership and they try to cross it some times. Such native should make efforts to avoid pride and self love and be down to earth and as humane as possible.

~Abhay Lodha

Also read :

Sun in the second houe of birth chart
Sun in the third house of birth chart
Sun in the fourth house of birth chart

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