Sunday, November 11, 2018

Spiritual Essence of Vrindavan

Vrindavan has an ancient past, related with Hindu history, and considered as an important Hindu pilgrimage place. One of the ancient surviving temples is the Govinda Dev temple, created in 1590 Even the houses in Vrindavan narrates stories of the previous years.

This is believed that the spiritual essence of Vrindavan was rediscovered by Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, who with his great spiritual power was able to seek all the important places related to Krishna's pastimes in and around Vrindavan. Vrindavan, is the place where lord krishna spent his youth time, is a distinguished centre of Hindu pilgrimage that attracts a big number of pilgrims thoughout the year , from the whole world. The major tradition in this area is Vaisnavism, and it is known as center of learning and Krishna worship and this area includes places like Gokul and Govardhana which are related with Lord Krishna. Vrindavan major temples are Banke Bihari Temple and Madan Mohan temple.Banke Bihari Temple, created in 1862 is known as most famous shrine at Vrindavan. The image describing Banke-Bihari was discovered by Swami Haridas, in Nidhi Vana. He was the great Krishna devotee, who belonged to to the Nimbarka sampradaya. Banke indicates "bent in three places" and bihari indicates "supreme enjoyer." The image of Lord Krishna is there in standing mode in Tribhanga posture. Haridas Swami himeself worshipped this devotional image with the name of Kunj-bihari.Madan Mohan Temple situated near the ghat of kali was created by Multan's resident Kapur Ram Das. This is known as oldest Vrindavan temple. The temple has close association with the famous saint Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. Later, Lord Madan Gopal original image was shifted from the this sacred place to Rajasthan for safe keeping during the rule of Aurangzeb's Today, a replica of the same image is worshiped at the temple. During the last 250 years, the large forests of Vrindavan have been undergone to to urbanization, first converted by by local Rajas and in recent Times by apartment developers. The forest cover has been reduced to only a few remaining spots.

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