Monday, November 12, 2018

Aquarius Sign qualities by Abhay Lodha

Aquarius Sign
The eleventh Zodiac Sign is as difficult to describe as astrology itself. Aquarius is indicated by the Water Carrier. As flowing, like water, this Water Carrier was related with the Gods. They are known to energize and nourish the earth. Aquarians can bring out the individuality and due to being unpredictable and prone to surprising opinions, no two Aquarian are of same nature.

As fixed sign, it indicates that it remains firm.  A fixed sign represents represents determination, stability and persistence. Such positive attributes are mirrored by negative ones. Negative traits are like stubbornness, single-mindedness and rigid inflexibility. In fact, those born under this sign have the feeling they're always right.

Aquarius traditional ruler is Saturn, but nowadays Uranus since its discovery is also considered as the ruler.  Uranus is represented as the planet that signifies the heavens and the night sky. In terms of astrology, Uranus relates to genius, unconventional thinking and individuality. The Aquarian's thoughts run TRUE and deep.

With regard to their careers, Aquarians work best where their intellect can prosper.   Areas like technology, science and academia are good areas for such intellect. Science, for example, allows the Aquarian room to elaborate deep thoughts. Furthermore, it allows for different alternative ideas to prosper.

Just like anything else in life, Aquarius also has a downside. Like a fire that require to be exhilrate constantly, the Aquarian require constant intellectual stimulation. If something goes down, the Aquarian gets frustrated. Like the wind, Aquarians may not in always calm mood. 

~Abhay Lodha

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