Thursday, June 30, 2022

Abhay Lodha says 'Why Sun in Ashwini Nakshtra'?

Sun in Ashwini Nakshtra Pada 1

Sun will here be exalted in mesh Rashi as well as Navmansha hence.  Sun would also be Vargottama along with exaltation. This placement of Sun would make the planet very strong. You would have strong immune system, bones as well as strong physique. You would be full of confidence, enthusiasm and will have very high spirits. You will enjoy health and long life. There would be happiness on account of having good position and male children. But, you may also also suffer from excess heat problems that could be brought down by avoiding food that increases heat problems particularly in 6 years of Sun Dasa. Over exercising of authority could create spoil personal marital life and create troubles. life.

Sun in Ashwini Nakshatra Pada II 

Sun will have position in Mesha Rashi and Vrishabha Navmansha in this case. This is not considered auspicious placement. Such type of sun placement gives health problems in child hood particularly upto 8 years of life. This Maha Dasa comprising of 6 years of the exalted Sun would not be very good from health point of view health but health will still remain satisfactory. There would be clashes in the family and you may remain dissatisfied with in laws in family also. Overall, it would be tough period of 6 years of your personal life. 

Friday, January 18, 2019

Jupiter in the first house of birth chart

Jupiter in the first house usually gives the best results. You have a lovely personality. You are a strong and long life person. You are a clear speaker and self-respecting. You are generous in nature. You have good respect for Brahmins and Gods. You will have deep faith even in charity and religion. You are a person who is a working and thoughtful person. You will be very fond of roaming around.

You will be deeply interested in spirituality and mysterious teachings. Your temperament should be stable. You are a generous, honest, truthful and fair person. You will receive honor and wealth through the king. But sometimes you will also suffer through false rumors. Vata and related diseases are possible in your body.

If you are connected to the police, army or excise department then the  Jupiter can be detrimental to you. Advice is given to keep away from pride and even fornication. You will spend your money on different types of occupations. You will get the pleasure of the woman, son etc. Your son will have a long life. You are going to be wearing gold and gems.

In astrology, Jupiter has different effects on the 12 quests in the planet horoscope. The effect of these effects falls on our direct life. This is an auspicious planet, so the people receive its auspicious results. Let us know in detail that the influence of Jupiter planet on various values .

~Abhay Lodha

Thursday, January 17, 2019

Sun in the all the houses of Chart

The sun is the cause of the soul, the father, the power, the aura, and the anger. If the Sun is in auspicious place in your horoscope, then you get progress in your life, but if you sit at the wrong place with the wrong planet, then whatever does not happen is less. Sun is the King of all planets. Their condition on 12 planets of the horoscope also affects our lives. So let us know what happens to the sun in 12 houses and what is the result of it?

Sun's result in 12 houses

Sun in Lagna
If the sun is in the first house or Lagna, then the person is forgiving, intelligent and courageous. Childhood passes through difficulties and there may be problems in the eyes. Anger also comes sometimes.

Sun in the second house of the horoscope

In this person may face a problem in education and Education is interrupted and the person is irritable.

Sun in the third house of the horoscope
The person is mighty. He enjoys all the comforts of pleasure. But if the Sun is with the planets then there is a possibility of having a skin disease.

Sun in the fourth house of the horoscope

The person a bit worried. But he gets respect in society. Needs to do more hard work for money and property.

Sun in the fifth house of the horoscope
A person is a Shiva devotee in this house due to the Sun. Creativity is more in it.

Sun in the sixth house of the horoscope
If there is a sun in this house then you will get so much pleasure that you will feel full. Such people get respect from the royal family. If the owner of the sixth house is weak, then victory over the enemies.

Sun in the seventh house of the horoscope
In this house, the person has to suffer from the government by being in this house.

Sun in the eighth house of the horoscope
If there is the sun in this house then the person is lean thin.

Sun in 9th house of the horoscope
If there is the sun in this house, the person gets the happiness and happiness of children and friends.

Sun in 10th house of the horoscope
In this house, the sun makes the person intelligent. The person gives respect to saints and saints. Such a person also gets luxury of the vehicle.

Sun in 11th house of the horoscope
In this house, the sun makes the person a musician. If it is in Aries or lion sign, the person has a lot of money.

Sun in 12th house of Horoscope
In this house, Sun, the natives usually help the others without getting any benefit for it. 

Thursday, December 13, 2018

Sun in the 4th house of Birth Chart

Sun in 4th House of Birth Chart
 Fourth house is related to things like family, domestic life, property, possession - and so on.  With sun in 4th house means, the person has a lot of interest in matters related to the domestic aspect of his or her life. Such a native will take special care of his property and family’s social status and welfare. Being profoundly related to home and destined to family ties, the native will have a greater sense of domestic protection. You are proud of your traditions and heritage you are related with and do everything inevitable to preserve them. Sun in fourth house also provides the native greater strength in the latter half of life.

As you incline to dedicate your life to creating strong association and foundation there are moments in your life when you like to just go away from it all. Such natives are under the great influence of their parents, that can be both bad or good. Home, where you glitter, that is the place where you can be your own self. And, that is where you engage your dominating self, in an effort to be the king of the palace but remember that nobody favors a tyrant.

~Abhay Lodha

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Sun in the 3rd House of Birth Chart

sun in 3rd house
When Sun comes in third house of the horoscope, this is likely to increase one’s inclination to talk a lot. Such people have great aim of traveling in an attempt to increase their contact list of influential people. Their educational interests and endeavors are more dramatic than intellectual, meaning they are more directed towards performance arts and drama arts than science and mathematics. Such natives have a sharp and upright mind, crammed with high degree of pride and ambition. Sun in 3rd house also makes the native the tendency to be self reliant and solid despite the odds. Moreover, it provides a great hunger to succeed in life.

If Sun is there in third house of your horoscope, chances are that you give much importance to wisdom and knowledge and your belief lies in sharing it with others. Moreover, you strongly make efforts to learn, thus traveling is a crucial aspect of your life. You like to ask for evidence before putting trust on a new idea. Some of things that you would like to work upon are impatience and intellectual pride.  Since your thought process makes you think that you are always right, there can some misunderstandings with people around. Such people tend to have adverse relationship with their near ones.

~Abhay Lodha

Thursday, December 6, 2018

Sun in the Second House of Birth Chart

Sun in Second House
When sun is placed in second house, it states that the chart holder would be very compassionate and generous in nature. Moreover, they are likely to succeed in money matters. Their efforts are recognised and gets a lot of respect. of respect and recognition. Such people possess great leadership skills thus often enjoy a nice position in authority. Their leadership skills also helps them to get a good income. Sun in 2nd house also implies the native gets an enviable social position and commands a great respect from others.

Natives having such a placement have a great desire for power as well as a strong sense of self-worth. Their energy is invested towards attaining power in the way of getting possessions, a good bank balance, and talent. They often earn well, they have a tendency to spend at extreme rate. The royal streak in these persons create them lord over people and things that should be avoided to manage a better social life. As per classic  Vedic scriptures, such persons are often little too much straightforward. Moreover, they struggle to acquire and learn new skills. Some speech disorder like stammering is also likely to occur to natives having Sun in 2nd house. 

~Abhay Lodha

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Sun in the First House by Abhay Lodha

Sun in First House
When sun comes in the first house in a horoscope, it provides the native with spark and positive energy. Such a native is joyous & cheerful and has a brilliant charisma. With a great health and a strict physical constitution, such a native sees a trouble-free childhood. it is indicated that natives with sun in Ist house have lesser hair.  They are careless and of hot temperament but also a little lazy in the parallel side which is quite like a lion. Sun also represents status and social image. Sun in the 1st house helps the person to get respect from others and have a high position and esteem in the society.

Sun in first house natives are known as born fighters, always ready to take a challenge in life. If your chart has Sun in Ascendant, you invest most of your energy on yourself because you are your own favorite.  Such persons have an ability to shine out and remain at the center of all the action. There lies a thin line between dictatorship and leadership and they try to cross it some times. Such native should make efforts to avoid pride and self love and be down to earth and as humane as possible.

~Abhay Lodha

Also read :

Sun in the second houe of birth chart
Sun in the third house of birth chart
Sun in the fourth house of birth chart