Monday, November 19, 2018

Moon in the Second house of Ascendent

Moon when there in second house of a chart shows a personality of great charm and they generally have a beautiful face. These people have a ability to judge themselves on the basis of opinion of others, so for them close ones view point really matters. When Moon acts as benefic and strong here then these people are quite talkative and they can charm other by their innocent and sweet ways of speaking. Such people know about their charming instinct and never hesitate to take advantage of this ability as these persons have clear and straightforward conscience and their real motives are not at all selfish.

In its symbolic physical form, moon changes daily according to its lunar cycle ,in accordance to it, results are seen in the domain it views; the inner mind. Such people exhibits great mood swings and they generally do not provide attention to any one issue for a longer period of time .For them switching on-off with various issue provide them a feeling of liveliness, also their thoughts about a situation or person changes quite often. So it would be correct to say that such people generally become very volatile personalities.

Money matters are in liquidity form. The state of wealth is in continuous state of motion for such people. They like spending a lot and in-fact also termed as shop-alcoholics. Spending gives them a great feeling of being alive, but that also depends on other factors in chart. Moon in second might provide financial concerns to one as well as constant affirmation regarding finances to feel secured. .If Moon has support of benefic planets then there does not remain much concern about wealth. In such circumstances there may be a possibility of getting wealth through inheritance.

~Abhay Lodha

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